If you have been to the bank, you find out that the money in the ATM MACHINE is being filled right inside the house where the machine is built with enough security. 

To hack this machine manually, get an ATM card, wether valid or not, as long as it can freely enter into the machine. Then get a candle, light the candle and use the wax to cover the panel on the ATM CARD, covering that panel will make the card look defualt to the machine.

Now, go to any Bank near you and try this trick, but if you are caught, thats your own wella ooh! not mine. When you get to the machine, insert the card and enter a default pin which is 0000. Done that? Wait and see the action. The atm machine will dispense cash. But some times the machine would say card not smart or it would just eject your card. The reasons is because some atm machines are upgraded while others are not.

For you to know an upgraded atm machine, you will observe that most times when you use a particular atm machine, as the machine is dispensing the cash, the bank will also send you a debit alert. If the machine is not upgraded, it may take up to 30 minutes before the bank sends a debit alert. The candle trick is 60% efficient on a machine that is not upgrade but it may not work on upgraded machine because of its sensitivity.


From our studies on the manual hacking of the atm machine, you will agree with me that its affects the bank alone but using the software affects the individual or organisation that owns the bank account.

Like I said, the software is very easy to use, but you need a prepaid debit mastercard and a knowledge on how to hide your browsing ip (your location) on your pc. The money you hack will be sent to your prepaid debit mastercard not your bank account, this is for security reasons but afterwards, you can go to the nearest atm machine close to you and withdraw the money using your mastercard.
NOTE: I advice that you should not use your correct house address on your mastercard billing details to avoid probs for yourself.

Having known this, you download the software, install it, launch it and enter every information required on start. After this, logon to the control panel and click on transfer funds, then you will be brought to a page where you will enter the details of the bank account you want to hack. Details like account name, account number, name of bank, country and routing. After entering the informations, click submit and the person's bank account balance will display, then enter the amount you want and click send to card, the money will be sent to your prepaid debit mastercard.


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